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NEW COVID-19 safety protocols for dental appointments

Throughout this past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought major changes to many of our lives. It’s closed down businesses, taken away time with family and friends and prevented many of us from being able to do what we love.

Thankfully, the amount of those receiving vaccinations is growing and the number of positive cases continues to diminish, leaving us with only one thing; HOPE.

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Madison and Dane County, and many other respected health care organizations begin to phase out restrictions, we felt it was necessary to revamp our policy to reassure your safety and care.


  • Over 85% of all our team members are now fully vaccinated.

  • Patients can choose to enter the facility and wait in the lobby or text/call our front desk team at 608.836.5700 to check in and wait from their vehicle.

  • Plexiglass barriers and sneeze guards will remain in place at check-in and check-out areas.

  • Common touched surfaces will continue to be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis. This includes the waiting area, restrooms, payment machines and more.

  • Prior to receiving any dental care we will provide all patients with an alcohol-free oral debriding agent that is powered by 1.5% hydrogen peroxide. This oxygenating action removes debris and helps prevent infection.

  • Each dental operatory will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized between each and every patient. Chair barriers are discarded and all dental equipment is steamed under pressure to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores.

  • Dental care providers and clinical team members will continue to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect both you as a patient and them as a provider. This includes medical-grade masks, disposable gloves, and eye protection.

  • The air throughout our office will continue to be filtered by an auto-cleaning needlepoint bipolar ionization system and continually exchanged with fresh air.

If you have questions or concerns we always welcome your feedback and look forward to seeing you!

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